Treatment of the fungal nail infections using “Cold Laser” (Q-switched laser)
At The Beauty Clinic we are now providing the latest treatment for a common and frustrating medical problem.
Our treatment for Fungal nail infections is:
- Effective: success rate 86% (same as medication)
- Painless
- Done in one session
- Without side effects
- Without contra-indications
Fungal infections of the toenails are not only a cosmetic problem. They have serious medical, psychological and social extensions: a source of infection likely to spread to other parts of the body, a source of cosmetic embarrassment, a source of infection o other people.
Fungal nail infections are notoriously very difficult to treat. Topical treatments such as creams or lotions do not work. The medical treatment is long (2-6 months) and potentially dangerous to the liver. It requires regular blood tests to ensure that the liver function is not affected. Sometimes such treatment cannot be done due to co-existing medical conditions or possible interactions with other medications that the patient is taking at the same time.
Toenails are far more likely to be involved. The infection has no tendency for spontaneous remission. It tends to progress to complete nail destruction and spread to other nails and the surrounding tissues. It can predispose to secondary bacterial infections such as paronychia and cellulitis especially in people with impaired immunity, such as diabetics.