Under Chin Fat melting and restoration of the jaw line
Treating Double Chin (Chin fat) With Deoxycholic Acid: An exciting New Treatment for one of the most common cosmetic concerns!!!
From this week, The Beauty Clinic @ 70 Pitt St will be offering the procedure in our clinic, which is based in the Sydney CBD
- Excellent non-surgical option to improve fullness under the chin and reshape the face and the neck
- Clinically proven permanent removal of under chin fat
- Additional skin retraction action
- Most commonly 2-4 treatments are given 4 weeks apart
- During each session several injections are given into the chin fat
- Each session lasts about 30 minutes
- Pain, swelling, bruising are common but always transient; overall little downtime
- Excellent safety profile
Call us on 02 9233 3399 for an appointment