Myths and facts- about Skin Ageing
Myth 1: Only genetic and age play a role in the formation of wrinkle
Fact: skin ageing is caused by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are relating to the inevitable genetically determined process that naturally occurs over time. Extrinsic ageing are caused by behavioural and environmental factors such as smoking, excessive sun exposure and dietary nutrients.
Myth 2 : Skin Care Regimens cannot prevent skin ageing
Fact: Photoageing treatments are categorised as prevention strategies.
Primary prevention targets the risk factors before they occur. Strategies include photoprotection cosmeceuticals such as sun screens.
Secondary prevention aims at postponing the ageing process. Cosmeceuticals such as Retinoic acid, Antioxidants, Estrogens, Growth factors have shown proven results.
Tertiary prevention treats the existing signs of skin ageing. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, lasers, Botulinum toxin, soft tissue augmentation will successfully remove many of the ageing symptoms.
Myth 3 : Sunscreens:The higher the SPF, the better the protection
Fact: High SPF products require higher concentrations of sun-filtering chemicals which can expose the skin to unnecessary irritants and trigger allergic reactions and sensitivity. SPF factor only refers to protection against the UVB and consumers in the sun are exposing themselves to both UVA and UVB rays.
Ingredients in sunscreens can cause the skin to become oilier which can cause acne breakouts in the acne prone skin types.
Myth 4 : Applying SPF 15 and SPF 30 will result in the protection of SPF45
Fact: the highest SPF used is the SPF protection provided, hence SPF 30. Applying the correct amount of sunscreen is better than applying high SPF with incorrect amount.
The correct amount according to the ‘Tea Spoon Rule’:
Use more than half a teaspoon for: head and neck area, arms
Use more than a teaspoon for: back, chest legs
Myth 5: Using makeup with SPF has the same effect as sunscreen , therefore there is no need to apply sunscreen
Fact: retail cosmetic products labelled with SPF do not indicate if they are photo-stable or provide protection against UVA rays, therefore the desired SPF protection is inadequate with only applying these products.
Myth 6: Applying sunscreen can cause a lack of Vitamin D
Fact: Studies show that long term use of sunscreen has little to no effect over Vitamin D sufficiency in the body. Sun Screen application does not cause osteoporosis.
Myth 7: Sun exposure in cloudy or rainy weather is not dangerous
Fact: clouds do not fully protect UV rays and up to 80% can penetrate through. UVA radiates all year and has the ability to penetrate through glass and cloud. Therefore, applying sun protection is mandatory in all conditions.
Myth 8: Applying sunscreen only requires one application
Fact: sunscreen application only lasts to 2-3 hours. The correct application is: 15-20mins before sun exposure, reapplying 15-30mins after sun exposure and reapply every 2-3 hours.
Myth 9 : Darker Complexion individuals are not likely to develop disorders of pigmentation
Fact: Darker skin types are more prone to pigmentation overall. Melasma is a common pigmentation disorder in darker individuals. These individuals are at higher risk to have hyperpigmentation after cosmetic procedures. Darker complexions in skin types IV-V who live in areas of intense sun exposure are likely to be more affected.